Guidelines for the author

General information

  • The full text of the paper will be sent by November 15 to and
  • The paper will be sent in docx format (if Microsoft Word 2010 or later version was used) or doc (if an older version of Microsoft Word or other text editor was used).
  • The paper will be written in the language of the conference presentation and will have between 5 and 13 pages (including illustrations and appendices).
  • The page size will be A4, with standard size margins, line spacing 1.
  • Manuscript pages will not be numbered.
  • Authors will use Times New Roman (TNR) font for the entire paper.
  • The words Keywords and Abstract will be written in Bold.


  • The title of the paper will be written using the Heading 1 style.
  • The title will be centered, using Bold, 12 pt. font.

Author of the paper

  • The first and last name of the author will be written immediately below the title; the author's last name (not the first name) will be written in capital letters (UPPERCASE).
  • The institutional affiliation will be written in between brackets, immediately below the author’s first and last name.


  • The paper will have two abstracts, one in English and the other in the language of the conference presentation.
  • Abstracts (containing approximately 200-250 words) will be written two lines below the institutional affiliation.
  • Times New Roman, 11 pt. font, Normal style will be used.


  • There will be 5 keywords in English and 5 keywords in the language of the paper.
  • Keywords will be written using the Normal, TNR, 11 pt. style, one line below the summary.


  • The text of the paper will be written using the Normal, TNR style, 12 pt.
  • For chapter and subchapter titles, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, etc. will be used.
  • Italics will be used to mark:
    • foreign words or words belonging to a certain dialect, language, style;
    • graphemes, words, expressions, etc. which are subject to a specific analysis;
    • the words and expressions used emphatically.
  • Bold type will be restricted to title, subtitles, or headings of the paper.
  • Underline is not used at all.
  • Images, tables, diagrams will be numbered and inserted into the text.


  • References will be inserted into the text as follows: (Durand 2000, 15).
  • When one of the authors quoted has the same surname as another author, then the parentheses will not only contain the name of the author, but also the initial of his first name (M. Anghelescu 2008, 74).
  • Comments, explanations, etc. will be written in the footer, using the editor's default formatting. The notes will be numbered from 1 to n.
  • Quotes will be given with the quotation marks specific for the language used:
    • - „xxx” – for papers in Romanian,
    • - «xxx» – for papers in French,
    • - "xxx" – for papers in Italian,
    • - "xxx" – for papers in Portuguese,
    • - "xxx" – for papers in Spanish,
    • - "xxx" – for English summaries.
  • At the end of the quote, its punctuation mark will be written, and if the quote is interleaved in a phrase or is followed by a reference, a full stop will end the phrase or will be written at the of the reference, after the model: Text: "Quote.". or Text: "Quote?"., or "Quote." (Reference).
  • The following double quotation marks will be used: "xxx <xxx> xxx".
  • If the quote is larger than two lines, it will be displayed in a freestanding block of text, the quotation marks will be omitted, the text will be 1 cm left, 1 cm right indented, the size of the font will be 11.


  • Abbreviations will be used for dictionaries, grammar books, source-volumes that are frequently quoted in the paper.
  • Abbreviations will be alphabetically listed at the end of the paper, without numbering, at 1 line below the text of the paper.
  • Normal style, TNR, 11 pt, Heading alignment, default distance will be used.
  • The structure for an abbreviation will be as it follows:

REW - W. Meyer-Lübke. 1911. Romanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung.

Bibliographical references

  • Bibliographical references will be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper, without numbering, at 1 line below the text of the paper.
  • Normal style, TNR, 11 pt, Heading alignment, default distance will be used.
  • Reference list models:

Books with one author: 
Vianu, Tudor. 1982. Studii de filozofia culturii. Ediţie îngrijită de Gelu Ionescu şi George Gană. Studiu introductiv de George Gană. Bucureşti: Editura Eminescu.

Translated book: 
Curtius, Ernst Robert. 1970. Literatura europeană şi Evul Mediu latin. În româneşte de Adolf Armbruster. Cu o introducere de Alexandru Duţu. Bucureşti: Editura Univers.

Book written by multiple authors: 
Perelman, Ch., Olbrechts-Tyteca. L. 1970. Traité de lʼargumentation. Bruxelles: Editions de lʼInstitut de Sociologie de lʼUniversité Libre de Bruxelles.

García Page-Sánchez, Mario. 1990. Los nombres de colores y el sustantivo «color». Morfología y sintaxis, in "Thesaurus". Boletín del Instituto Caro y Cuervo, tomo XLV, número 2, Mayo-Agosto, p. 305-331.

Pavarani, Cecilia. 2012. La représentation des banquets dans la poise latine officielle de l'antiquité impériale et tardive, in "Camenulae", nr. 8, janvier, revue en ligne:, last accessed on July 25, 2017.

The event's calendar

  • The XIIIth edition of CICCRE will take place on June 13-14 2025, at the West University of Timișoara, Vasile Pârvan Avenue no. 4.
  • The registration form will be filled online until the 1st of May 2025; it is available here:
  • The date of acceptance and notification of the proposals is the 15th of May 2025.
  • The deadline for sending the article for publishing (the final version), to the address of the event ( and of the president of the event ( is the 15th of November 2025.
  • The volume of the scientific event, Quaestiones Romanicae XIII, will be released on the 12th of June 2026.