Éducation et pédagogie dans les Étymologies d’Isidore de Séville

Abstract: (Education and Pedagogy in Isidore of Seville’s Etymologies) Isidore of Seville takes an important place in the history of teaching in Western Europe. His Etymologies are an encyclopaedic handbook, which was used to a significant extent during medieval times. Their basic idea is that knowing uerba allows access to the knowledge of the res. Influenced and inspired by great predecessors (Servius, Martianus Capella, Cassiodorus), they bring back ancient data and thoughts, but they also synthetize the different contributions, of a classic and Christian nature; so they give a new working tool and appear as a witness of a new idea of teaching.

Keywords: Isidore of Seville, education, Etymologies, encyclopaedism, High Middle Ages.

Résumé : Isidore de Séville tient une place importante dans l’histoire de l’enseignement en Europe occidentale. Ses Étymologies sont un manuel encyclopédique qui a été largement utilisé par l’époque médiévale. Leur idée fondatrice est que c’est par la connaissance des uerba que l’on peut accéder à la connaissance des res. Influencées et inspirées par de grands prédécesseurs (Servius, Martianus Capella, Cassiodore…), elles reprennent des données et des conceptions antiques, mais elles synthétisent les différents apports, classique et chrétien ; elles créent donc un nouveau genre d’instrument de travail et témoignent d’une nouvelle idée de l’instruction et de l’éducation. Isidorus of Sevilla has an important place in the history of teaching in Western Europ. His Etymologies are an encyclopedic handbook which was used to a great extent during the Middle Ages. The founding idea is that, by knowing the uerba, man is given access to the knowledge of the res. Influenced and inspired by great predecessors (Servius, Martianus Capella, Cassiodorus…), the Etymologies use data and systems from antiquity, but also synthesize both classical and Christian traditions. Thus it offers a new working tool and stands as a witness of a new idea of teaching.

Mots-clés : Isidore de Séville, éducation, Étymologies, encyclopédisme, Haut Moyen Âge.

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