Editorial Board

Valy CEIA, Associate Professor, PhD

Editorial Secretary:
Daniel HAIDUC, PhD

Mirela BONCEA, Lecturer, PhD
Emina CĂPĂLNĂȘAN, Lecturer, PhD
Valy CEIA, Associate Professor, PhD
Ioana Mia IUGA, Lecturer, PhD
Ramona MALIȚA, Associate Professor, PhD, HDR
Simona REGEP, Lecturer, PhD
Roxana ROGOBETE, Assistant, PhD
Dumitru TUCAN, Associate Professor, PhD, HDR
Bogdan ȚÂRA, Associate Professor, PhD
Iolanda VASILE, PhD Student
Luminița VLEJA, Associate Professor, PhD
Manuela ZĂNESCU, PhD Student

Editorial Assistant:

Honorary Committee

Florica BECHET, Emeritus Professor, PhD, University of Bucharest
Georgiana I. BADEA, Professor PhD, West University of Timișoara
Jenny BRUMME, Professor, PhD, University of Barcelona
Riccardo CAMPA, Academician, PhD, Honorary Doctor, The Italian-Latin American Institute, Rome
Sanda CORDOȘ, Associate Professor, PhD, University “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca
Ioana COSTA, Professor, PhD, HDR, University of Bucharest and The Institute of History and Literary Theory “G. Călinescu”, Romanian Academy
José Manuel GONZÁLEZ CALVO, Emeritus Professor, PhD, University of Extremadura, Cáceres and correspondence member of the Spanish Royal Academy
Jukka HAVU, Emeritus Professor, PhD, University of Tampere and correspondence member of the Spanish Royal Academy
Michael METZELTIN, Academician, Honorary Doctor, University of Vienna
Ileana OANCEA, Professor, PhD, West University of Timişoara
Adriano PAPO, Academician, Honorary Doctor, University of Udine and “Adria-Danubia” Centre of Studies, Duino Aurisina, Trieste
Lăcrămioara PETRESCU, Professor, PhD, University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” from Iaşi

Scientific Committee

Tamar APTSIAURI, Professor, PhD, University of Tbilisi
Laura BĂDESCU, Scientific Researcher I, HDR, The Institute of History and Literary Theory “G. Călinescu”, Romanian Academy
Florica BECHET, Emeritus Professor, PhD, University of Bucharest
Conf. univ. dr. Katalin BODI, Associate Professor, PhD, University of Debrecen
Tibor BERTA, Professor, PhD, University of Szeged
Frédérique BIVILLE, Professor, PhD, University „Lumière”, Lyon
Mirela BORCHIN, Associate Professor, PhD, West University of Timișoara
Jenny BRUMME, Professor, PhD, University “Pompeu Fabra”, Barcelona
Norberto CACCIAGLIA, Professor, PhD, Honorary Doctor, University for Foreigners, Perugia
Giovanni CAPECCHI, Professor, PhD, HDR, University for Foreigners, Perugia
Ioana COSTA, Professor, PhD, HDR., University of Bucharest and The Institute of History and Literary Theory “G. Călinescu”, Romanian Academy
Vasile DOCEA, Professor, PhD, HDR., West University of Timișoara and The University Central Library “Eugen Todoran” from Timișoara
Monica FEKETE, Associate Professor, University “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca
Katarzyna GADOMSKA, Professor PhD, HDR, Silesian University of Katowice
José Manuel GONZÁLEZ CALVO, Emeritus Professor, PhD, University of Extremadura, Cáceres and The Spanish Royal Academy
Jukka HAVU, Emeritus Professor, PhD, University of Tampere and The Spanish Royal Academy
Coman LUPU, Professor PhD, University of Bucharest and The Pedagogical Faculty of Bratislava
Laszlo MARJANUCZ, Professor PhD, HDR, University of Szeged
Ileana OANCEA, Professor PhD, West University of Timişoara
Adriano PAPO, Academician, Honorary Doctor, University of Udine and “Adria-Danubia” Centre of Studies, Duino Aurisina, Trieste
Antonio PATRAȘ, Professor PhD, HDR, University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” from Iași
Lăcrămioara PETRESCU, Professor PhD, Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” from Iași
Elena PÎRVU, Professor PhD, University of Craiova
Vasile POPOVICI, Professor PhD, HDR, West University of Timișoara
Alessandro ROSSELLI, Professor PhD, University of Szeged
Eleonora RINGLER PASCU, Professor PhD, HDR, West University of Timișoara
Mihaela Silvia ROŞCA, Associate Professor, West University of Timișoara
Leonardo SARACENI, Professor PhD, Superior Institute of Music “Francesco Cilea”, Castrovillari
Oana SĂLIŞTEANU, Professor PhD, University of Bucharest
Nathalie SOLOMON, Professor PhD, University “Via Domitia” of Perpignan
Geza SZASZ, Associate Professor, University din Szeged
Andreea TELETIN, Lecturer, PhD, University of Bucharest and University Sorbonne, Paris 3
Maria ȚENCHEA, Professor PhD, West University of Timișoara
Libuše VALENTOVÁ, Professor PhD, The Caroline University of Prague
Estelle VARIOT, Associate Professor, PhD, HDR, University Aix-Marseille, AMU
Leonard VELCESCU, CRESEM-CRHiSM Researcher, PhD, University “Via Domitia” of Perpignan
Violeta ZONTE, Professor PhD, HDR, West University of Timișoara

The event's calendar

  • The XIIIth edition of CICCRE will take place on June 13-14 2025, at the West University of Timișoara, Vasile Pârvan Avenue no. 4.
  • The registration form will be filled online until the 1st of May 2025; it is available here: ciccre.uvt.ro/en/ciccre/fisa-de-inscriere.
  • The date of acceptance and notification of the proposals is the 15th of May 2025.
  • The deadline for sending the article for publishing (the final version), to the address of the event (ciccre@e-uvt.ro) and of the president of the event (valy.ceia@e-uvt.ro) is the 15th of November 2025.
  • The volume of the scientific event, Quaestiones Romanicae XIII, will be released on the 12th of June 2026.